Build u0.6.31 (Happy V-Day!)
Released 02/14/2025
- (UPDATE) MISSILES: Modes unlocked, with *two arenas* denoted by (OG) in each mode now offering pure original missile gameplay style. White pads, no hot swaps, no turbos, no AB, no double impulse missiles in those arenas.
- (FIX) LASERS: Fix to hot swaps not swapping to the correct module.
- es, remaining on the to do list: => Waiting on Unity version/update to fix fonts => Make hot swap buttons mouse clickable => Add saved config hot swaps to Total Wars CTF => Fix shield toggle activation keys (toggling shields still working clicking on them) => Fix chat filter auto enabling => Any other bugs that may still pop up => ***Steam!!***
Build u0.6.30
Released 02/14/2025
- (FIX) TOTAL CTF: Flash effect now takes up entire screen for ultra-wide resolutions. Reload pad page black bars added to top and bottom for non-square resolutions. Both of these should now work properly for all aspect ratios.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: **Rush** fixed and added back into the rotation and redone to look like an apocalyptic landscape. Phx is unlocked, by request, so you can hop in and check this one out. This leaves only Downtown (priority of the two) and Islands left to fix.
- e: The text still looks off in places. This is due to a recent bug in Unity's software. For now, I am going to wait for a fix on their end as I prefer to hold onto other fixes/improvements made within the engine, but if by the NETWAR's LAN event (the game will be up on Steam by then) it is not fixed the game will revert to a slightly earlier version of the engine.
Build u0.6.29
Released 02/13/2025
- (UPDATE) ALL: New look stat sheets preview (in progress, not yet done). The team button is temp and will be updated later. Achievements page is a preview.
- (UPDATE) TOTAL CTF: Drone and gun kills now split up to 20% of the bounty to players of that color.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Precision Lock changed to Precision Invert. What this does is now invert precision key functionality. This means by turning it on, your default aim speed will be precision speed and your precision speed will be full speed.
- (UPDATE) ALL: You can now hide the top UI by clicking the little arrow.
Server Side Update
Released 02/06/2025
- (UPDATE) TOTAL WARS CTF: When arenas reset, they will now default pads to colors based on proximity to bases. For example, pads close to blue base will be blue by default. Mid cons will split between the two nearest colors, and center pads will remain white. This should help games going a little quicker as getting an arena capped is no longer a chore that needs to happen at the start of a game, and starting feed will be much better in mid areas (so long as they remain shared). Players can just focus on getting right to the action instead of worrying about territory to start a game (though it may be wise to try to keep your split of any mid cons your own).
- e, pads may still be captured as usual. Practice arenas will also remain uncapped by default, for now.
Build u0.6.27
Released 02/06/2025
- (UPDATE) ARENA: ProjectX has the con-linked barriers added back in for Total Wars CTF. These barriers block tanks not of that color from passing through, but weapons may still be fired through them. Barriers are up on the side cons and under the center con. The mid cons are left alone to not block flank routes under those cons. Other arenas will have them added (back in for the case of Maulgrounds) over time.
- se barriers are meant to offer some reward for holding certain cons without breaking routes completely. The middle con is meant to especially add, with new tunnels that offer faster flanking that did not exist in the original map. The side cons (in the image below) offer a partial safe space to run too (that can be countered with thrusters or just launching shells over the wall).
Build u0.6.26
Released 02/05/2025
- (FIX) REG: Heats fixed.
- (UPDATE / FIX) ALL: Tank collisions improved - before tanks were frequently not responding to collision.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: FPS killing grass (optional) returned to ProjX.
Build u0.6.25 (Your config will reset!)
Released 01/30/2025
- (UPDATE) ALL: Tank collisions updated to feel less mushy. This is probably as it gets with Unity's trigger based colliders as it's really difficult to accurately simulate brick walls with these types of colliders. They are unconstrained at the moment to find scenarios where impact forces may need to be capped. The sound of impacts has also been updated to include the clank.
- (UPDATE) KB: All bindings returned in options, with key restrictions removed (except for esc, enter, slash, quote). Notice added the top of the page as well letting a user know they can reset any input field using the / key. If you update module keys, the label next to them in the in-game HUD doesn't reflect the change yet.
- (TEMP) ALL: Only Total Wars CTF and Practice arenas may be entered for a bit, until the game mode feels largely bug free.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: ProjX has 60+ light sources at night (and more with lasers firing). We're going to keep pushing this number and seeing where night performance goes.
- (UPDATE) REG: DecemX added.
- (FIXES) == ARENA: Duel0x Total CTF capping and flags fixed. Updates to barriers as well to allow for much easier capping for the two pads near base. == UI: Loadout scrollbar always resets to the top when entering a pad, no longer carrying over the prior state. == UI: Chat auto scroll bug where chat wouldn't auto scroll entering arena sometimes may finally be fixed!
Build u0.6.23
Released 01/25/2025
- (FIX) LOGOUT: Reducing falling damage using logout fixed. Pushing shield forward when pressing alt+Q fixed.
- (UPDATE / FIX) ARENAS: Mosh Pit fixed. Duel 0x fixed and updated. The arena now has more drivable terrain area under the platform as well as off to the sides. Wall clipping fixed. The height map resolution has been reduced which makes it less bumpy to drive on. It has also been added to Total Wars CTF. Capacity updated to 7x2.
Build u0.6.22
Released 01/23/2025
- (ARENA) New arena Duel 0x added into Lasers and Phoenix. It's a tiny capacity arena at 3x2. It's a simple arena allowing players to get some quick action without having to deal with barriers. Eventually arenas like this will be moved into their own duel mode.
Build u0.6.20
Released 01/15/2025
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Some changes and updates made to Mosh Pit based on feedback.
- (FIX) UI: Degree vision should now be fixed.
Build u0.6.19
Released 01/14/2025
- (UPDATE) ALL: Directional viewing angle added to the top of the UI. Target sizes are based on proximity.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: To simplify the mode, impulse is now standardized to the 4/1/1 loadout. This is the middle ground for those on both sides. Limiting each to one adds importance to reload pads.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: New arene added to impulse and phoenix: Mosh Pit. It is even smaller (by XZ area) than Compact. The style is a mix of Compact and Stacked. Because of this the risky lower cats offer a very quick path to the center of the arena. For now, you can fly under the lava in phx. This will be updated in a future update.
- (UPDATE) UI: Loadout screen categorized more per some suggestions. Indent formatting also added to help make it clearer if something is required.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Scorps now have same effect under drone kills as impulse missiles.
- (UPDATE) REG: Jackal turn speed increased. No turning boost still.
- (FIX) ALL: Day/night and weather cycle sync update - needs more testing.
- e: Performance in Mosh Pit will drop quite a bit at night. This is intentional to test how many dynamic lights can be added to an arena before too many start reporting issues. Future updates may start to involve light baking.
Build u0.6.18
Released 01/09/2025
- (FIX) ALL: Some users were dropping below the arena upon entering. This was caused by a recent update that selectively loads in resources. Entering an arena now keeps your tank frozen in the air above the base area until you enter the arena. This should prevent users from falling below bases until they load in.
- (FIX) ALL: NV Enhancer fixed.
- (FIX) AUDIO: Audio will now respond as soon as you set it in the options.
- (FIX) ALL: Enter arena bug causing you to need to hit enter twice to enter base con has been fixed.
- (FIX) NEW USER: There is now a very obvious pop-up box displaying temp passwords for new users.
- (UPDATE) AIMING: Re-center updated. It should now feel a lot better and mimics the original closely.
- (UPDATE) ALL: A few naming updates to modules in the loadout screen per Curium's suggestions. Formatting not yet done.
- (UPDATE) MOVEMENT: Turning boost movement removed. Jackal speeds reverted to prior settings.
Build u0.6.17
Released 01/05/2025
- (UPDATE) PHX: Original style. White cons, phx, thrusters.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Turbo scorp testing now. All arenas, with the following loadout options: => 8x Impulse => 4x Impulse, 1x Scorp, 1x Turbo => 2x Impulse, 2x Scorp, 2x Turbo
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Drones will no longer steal kills, thus if you shoot an enemy into a base and a drone finished them you will get the kill.
Build u0.6.15
Released 12/31/2024
- (UPDATE) GRAPHICS: Added/updated the option to select the type of frame smoothing under graphics options. *Make sure you save even if not changing so the config file is updated properly!!*. None => No frame smoothing. May appear a bit jittery as frames display in-between physics intervals but introduces no additional input lag. Precise => Tries to smooth accurately in-between physics intervals introducing almost no additional input lag. Smoothed -> Forces frame smoothing consistently, but at the cost of some input lag which may give the tank and turret a feeling of some additional weight (some users may prefer this).
- 'll have to see which option you prefer most as frame rate, max monitor frame rate, VSync, etc effect these. If you're using VSync and your monitor has a refresh rate that's a multiple of 120 (i.e. 60, 120, 240, 360) then you'll probably want to leave smoothing set to none. Smoothing is most beneficial when running an uncapped frame rate.
Build u0.6.14
Released 12/30/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Turbo cool down. When activating turbo if you decide to kill throttle, you will not be able to activate another turbo until the first has finished its entire period. A turbo is ~5 seconds long, so for example if you kill throttle ~2 seconds in, you will not be able to fire another turbo for ~3 seconds.
Build u0.6.13
Released 12/30/2024
- (UPDATE) NIGHT: Brightness of night time and NV increased just a tad. Also, tanks with the emissive white colors now show their color instead, making it easier to identify a color at without NV. Note, you can disable Cloud Shadows in the graphics settings - they tend to make it a little darker at night.
- (UPDATE) AIMING: KB aiming improved, previously if you held two keys down and then released one, it often wouldn't continue on the key still not yet released. KB aiming should now just about be perfect in terms of ordering and response.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Better resource management. VRAM usage is now lower overall, which should help older machines.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Baby K and Checkers put back into the rotation (scorp arenas).
- (FIX) UI: Chat escape bug fixed.
Build u0.6.12
Released 12/23/2024
- (UPDATE) Impulse partioned into scorp and turbo arenas. Pick your poision. We'll revisit this one after the winter break.
Build u0.6.11
Released 12/23/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Escape menu added. It can be reached by pressing Escape anytime while playing. The F4, F5, and alt+q shortcuts still work.
- (UPDATE) LASERS: Stealth an option again.
- (FIX) ARENA: Compact base fixed.
- (FIX) REG: Magnifier bug fixed.
Build u0.6.10
Released 12/21/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Missile tabbing functionality added. What this does is allow you to forget what keybinds go to what missiles, but instead tab over to them like you do with lasers and shells. And even with tabbing enabled, you can still use bound keys as direct shortcuts. But if you prefer the original completely, just disable missile tabbing under F4->Game Options->Missile Tabbing. Overall, this should lower the mechanical barrier to using special missiles in total wars.
- (UPDATE) JS/CONTROLLER: Aim speed profiles added. These are the slider under F4->JS Options->Aiming Sensitivity. Radial Aiming is also an option added. Without it enabled, aiming tends to favor either the X or Y axis. If you do not like that, you can turn on Radial Aiming which will remove that preference. You'll have to play around with the options to see what feels best on your device.
Build u0.6.9
Released 12/19/2024
- (FIX) UI: Fixes to the keybinding including WS double binding some keys, and not being able to bind buttons like shift and control. Bindings should work as expected. If you seem to have issues make sure you hit "SAVE" - this will overwrite your old bindings file(s) which may be causing conflicts. Also, more messages during the binding process show up, for example letting you know if a particular key is reserved.
Build u0.6.8
Released 12/18/2024
- (FIX / UPDATE) GOLD FLAG: Excessive negative feed from the gold flag has been reversed.
- (UPDATE) UI: Many default settings updated per suggestions. => By default, barrel cam and depth of field are now off. => All keyboard profiles for game modes now also default to 1 for new users. => Jackal now has max speed adjustable like the Lite. => Both VSync and frame cap may be toggled off now, allowing you uncap your frame rates.
- (UPDATE) PRACTICE: 4 more bots added. These bots have 5000hp, making them good practice for shield shifting.
- (UPDATE) WEATHER: Compact updated to be a proper thunderstorm. Air shots will be challenging while this happens as low cloud layer hangs over. This weather type will eventually be more spaced out.
- es: Known issue of double key binding when trying to bind W or S to some keys. Looking into a fix still.
Build u0.6.6
Released 12/15/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: View distance slider removed since it has minimal effect. Setting quality to low in graphics will also now reduce a particle raycast count which may (or may not) help improve performance on older devices. A few small fixes to some of the lighting that was a bit off in 0.6.5 - reflections should look cleaner again.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Alpha badges in lobbies now display their proper color.
- (UPDATE) ALL: You can now toggle the in-game HUD entirely on/off by pressing F11. This will allow you to get some screenshots/video without anything in the way.
Build u0.6.5
Released 12/14/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: You can now set up to 3 key bind profiles. Those profiles may also be assigned to default to different game modes, so you don't need to swap between them when you hop arenas. This mostly works... but needs testing! This will make switching between game modes much quicker, and reduce the amount of external binds for controller users.
- (UPDATE) UI: New F4/settings. Everything is now better partitioned. Graphics may be heavily reduced for those with performance issues.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Ramps now take into account deflection angle.
- (FIXES) ALL: A few smaller fixes with UI, though some may still persist as the focus for this update was mostly 1.
- e: There are more badges showing up next to users in the Lobby right now. These are a preview of alpha and supporter badges (Starting this up soon to get a little ahead on the tax year). Alpha badges will colored by the total rank tier reached, so for example <@1209981795135651862> and <@189880993488830464> will have extremely rare and unique red alpha badges - *they are not yet colored properly*. Others will be purple, blue, etc depending on rank reached.
Build u0.6.4
Released 12/11/2024
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Updates to ramp physics to make it feel more old school. Steeper ramps will now be *much* more effective than shallow ones.
Build u0.6.1
Released 11/22/2024
- (FIX) ALL: Reload UI not showing health and battery fixed. The scaling of those and more will be updated with another UI update specific to the loadout screen later.
- (UPDATE) PHX: Thrusters leveling out fixed. There is no longer a seesaw effect.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: BK removes outer ring of palms. Center ones kept to maintain some variety in the arena.
- (UPDATE) GRAPHICS: Testing reflections in Practice Maulgrounds. They are always on right now, but may toggled off in the F4 settings under Reflections if they hurt your performance too much. Also, there is only one reflection level at this time (1 block above the terrain level).
- (UPDATE) ALL: Hit cues added above and below the crosshairs. Currently only colored red, they let you know what side you've been hit. This should help with shield shifting and general situational awareness since it isn't always obvious you've been hit.
Build u0.6.0
Released 11/19/2024
- (UPDATE) UI: More updates to in-game UI. Certain modules now show as buttons. These to improve a few things: = Better knowing what modules are loaded AND active at any time. = Buttons that may be clicked to toggle on/off making touchscreens like the RoG-Ally and SteamDeck much more usable in reg since you will no longer need to bind those buttons. --- The tank control panel contains toggle buttons for a few modules. --- Radar now has new +/- buttons next to the radar. --- Shields can be enabled/disabled by clicking them. = For missile wars they are a constant reminder there is more to the game than missiles!
- E: The UI may be scaled larger/smaller using the UI scaling slider in the F4 settings. These will keep being worked on. Also, the focused enemy box, and now personal stats may all be minimized.
- (UPDATE) MISSILES: Tank on tank collisions have been tweaked, and as a result the impact of being pulled into another tank while on a flat should be much less. Scorps still work pulling other tanks up a ramp and off a tank (and into the air) but with less effect than before. This is to try to reduce some of the RNG element of a scorp on scorp play, as well as keep two tanks within good proximity to each other to continue a fight (as opposed to spinning off).
- (FIX / UPDATE) REG: Shot locations causing rear shields to react should now be fixed. Turn boost has been lowered 50%. The aim with turn boost is to reward forward movement (attacking or juking) so hopefully it works out keeping some small form if it. The difference between stationary/backward and forward moving turning feel much less.
Build u0.5.8
Released 11/10/2024
- (FIX) The center of Compact has been fixed (there was an invisible mesh collider blocking the holes) and the mid ramps have also adjusted slightly too make the area a little more dangerous.
Build u0.5.6
Released 11/09/2024
- (FIXES) ALL: More fixes in UI with reg modules. Most if not all should now be fixed.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: New arena Compact in Impulse Wars. It is the smallest arena by area yet, but makes up for it by having playable areas under the bases. The arena design is not yet final. It also is meant to be a 4x4 arena (client currently shows 3x4). It has a rain effect that goes off in its morning hours, so if you have any frame rate drops due to it please let me know. This weather effect will also soon end up in DecemX and Fields of Glory as they run the same weather type.
Build u0.5.5
Released 11/05/2024
- (FIXES) ALL: A few small fixes with the in-game UI, i.e. shields, not updating properly. Night vision has been also been fixed. Night vision exposure changes with time, and must be toggled on/off to update to the latest.
- (UPDATE) UI: Lots of UI updates around the game to start making the game look more polished/final. This is still a work in progress but you can see the direction things are going.
- (UPDATE) UI: Tips are now per-mode and can be quickly closed using the Escape key.
- (UPDATE) WEATHER: Brining back dynamic weather systems; => Angles has a dust storm in the latter half of the day. => Braulin has snow in the mornings with clouds that will clear in the latter half of the day. This will eventually become every other day.
- wn bugs: A few other modules and switch weapons aren't updating properly in the tank control panel in total (fixing in the next patch - crosshairs still switch properly for now).
Build u0.5.4
Released 11/02/2024
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Fast lanes remain near base and will auto kick in (no more button necessary). They may be re-added to the bottoms of arenas like Angles and Stacked where gameplay doesn't work itself over too much.
- (FIX) ALL: NV toggle fixed. The implementation is basic one and will be updated over the next week to look better.
- (FIX) ALL: Some UI bugs <@796125633147043940> brought up - thanks!
- (FIX) ALL: Night time brightness fixed - it no longer gets so dark that you need NV (goal is to make this optional and remain purely for nostalgia purposes).
Build u0.5.3
Released 11/01/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Game tips pop-up when entering arena. This can be disabled and re-enabled in the F4 settings. ** Please submit useful game tips if you can come up with any! **
- (UPDATE) MISSILES: Pink Hot swaps can now be accessed instantly, making a drive by reload and switch now possible.
- (UPDATE) ALL: In-game UI updates with the aim of cleaning things up trying to make the Steam version look (and thus feel) more polished.
- (UPDATE) ALL: You can now min the enemy info panel and maintain a very brief one-line summary of the enemy target. This is for those who may not like how much space it takes up and instead opt for the minimalist view.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Speed lanes added to Angles, Attic, and Braulin. There is a new key binding at the bottom of movement called Speed Lane Boost. You must press and hold the button down to get the speed boost while on a speed lane (similar to how you would sprint in a FPS). The current speed lane textures in place are placeholders.
- (UPDATE) GRAPHICS: Volumetric fog added to Angles, Braulin, and Baby Kahuna. In Angles the lower level is now a constant dust storm. In Braulin it resembles a marine layer that you can launch tanks above, and in Baby Kahuna it sits in the low cons and pits to add some variety. Performance hit was tested to be very low on a 3080Ti/3090 class GPU.
Build u0.5.0 (*Arch is here; game size increase from ~2.3gb to ~4.2gb*)
Released 10/23/2024
- (UPDATE) TOTAL: New mines types added: deact and impulse mines. The limit for mine types a player can drop is as follows: prox(30), deact(15), impulse(15), detno(1).
- (UPDATE) ARENAS: Arch added to Total Wars, and Rattle Cage returns updated to Phoenix Wars to push more maps that are a little less AB friendly.
- (UPDATE) UI: New button click sounds added for menus and selecting loadouts.
- (FIX) LITE: Random turret snap issue when re-centering near 180 degrees should now be fixed.
- (FIX) MINES/FLAGS: Mines and flags should now be fixed in Total Wars but more thorough testing is needed.
- wn bug: NV does not work since the URP upgrade (it will be fixed in u0.5.x). NV Enhancer will be removed since nights no longer get that dark and are playable without NV. The stock NV will be updated/fixed purely for nostalgic purposes.
Build u(URP)0.4.4
Released 10/14/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Camera smoothness is now a slider in the F4 settings. Default is 100%, though you may lower it to 0% (no smoothing) if you don't like the frame interpolation effect. Without any you may notice some jitter, which can alternatively be resolved by enabling vsync (also in the F4 settings).
- (UPDATE) ALL: Missile lens flare brightness reduced.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Some default keybindings have been updated to be a little more noob friendly out of the box.
Build u(URP)0.4.3
Released 10/12/2024
- (FIX) PRACTICE: More clean up of issues with radars switching between players and bots. Most if not all issues should be resolved now. An into message in the chat (after entering arena) also tells you the button to press to toggle between bot and player focused radars.
- (UPDATE) PRACTICE: RezNet kill counts now show up under stats in arena (also saved to stat sheets).
- (POTENTIAL FIX) ALL: Some users having issue with weapons getting stuck. I have not been able to reproduce this on my end, but rewrote a few things so hopefully the issue is gone.
Build u(URP)0.4.1
Released 10/11/2024
- (FIX) ALL: Yellow crosshair bug caused by the new frame interpolations (smoothing) detecting weather system in between frames (set to be ignored now).
- (FIX) BOTS: Better server sync which should resolve the "hp not decreasing" bug. Other improvements to radar/info panels as well - player and bot panels were overlapping before. This should also be resolved.
- (FIX) SOUNDS: Wall collision sounds fixed in Angles.
- (FIX) SOUNDS: Music volume slider works again.
- (UPDATE) REG: Changing tanks now automatically sets the default inventory so new players don't accidentally run into the field naked.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Jackals and Lites have increased turning acceleration and deceleration. This should make them feel less slippery. Phantoms and Mammoths are unchanged.
Build u(URP)0.4
Released 10/10/2024
- (UPDATE) PATCHER: RezPatcher is now the latest version of the patching system available on Google Drive.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Game should be now smoother, and if you still experience tearing you may try enabling VSync in the F4 options.
- (UPDATE) PRACTICE: RezBots updated. Some of them now move, making them more challenging to kill. They have varying hp and may be destroyed for earnable points in the practice arena.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Angles back in.
- >>> !!! Let's get this build battle tested for the LAN event in a little over a week !!! <<<<**
Build u(URP) 0.3
Released 10/02/2024
- (UPDATE) Added grass to Braulin, Maulgrounds, ProjectX and Strife. It is disabled by default and may be turned on the F4 settings under grass (performance hit is around 15% on a 3080Ti)x. **Grasses respond to tanks so a cloaked tank could be spotted moving over grass - this may be removed for cloakers**.
- (UPDATE) Bots are now server synced so you will be able to see others fighting them. When a bot is engaged with that user, it will remain engaged to that user (it doesn't not switch until it disengages and another user fires on it). A bot engaged to you is now red, whereas it will be yellow when engaged to another. Soon they will be possible to destroy and earn points/stats.
- (UPDATE) In-game UI updates to chat and personal stats.
- (FIX) In-game target frame rate is now capped to 120 (the same as the physics rate). This resolves the jitter caused by going above.
Build u(URP) 0.2
Released 09/29/2024
- tinuing to the explore options and features of URP, this next build changes rendering from Forward to Forward+ (meaning it can now support up to 256 point at lights at once - up from 8). For fun just to verify it works without tanking your performance, the phased PK1 now fires 10 times per second. In a dark arena you can fire it and watch the glow travel away along the floors. Shadow distances have also been increased so there should be less shadow artifacts,
- (FIX) ALL: Sound distances. Some may still be loud, but most of them should sound about right now.
- (FIX) ALL: Tank explosions now show again.
- (FIX) ALL: Respawn screen (and updated version) has been fixed.
- (FIX) FIX: Infinite health/stuck bug when being destroyed by drones in phx wars.
Build u(URP)0.1 (*The engine update is here!*)
Released 09/27/2024
- (UPDATE) Exciting times: Rez has been updated to the latest version of Unity (Unity 6) and the URP graphics pipeline. This will enable Rez to slowly start upping its graphical game, and also improve rendering performance. Already the game has been updated to look AND perform better than Build 54.9 (for example this runs 60fps at 1080p (default settings) on a RoG Ally, and 100+ fps on turbo mode!) This is the first build that is really starting to feel "early access / beta" ready from my end, at least on the graphical front (which unfortunately is somewhat important).
- (UPDATE) Bots: RezBots updated to now fire back any weapon you fire at them. They will soon be un-instanced so players will see bots firing at others, theoretically allowing players to practice block cycling. And then beyond that, they will start to have health pools simulating perfect shielding - and players will be able to earn points destroying them.
- e notable new updates: => Barrel Cam (default / can be disabled in the options): Makes it feel like more like you're looking out of the barrel of your tank. => Shield animations: Shielded tanks now display flickering shields and hit animations. Surrounding arena walls also do as well. => Arenas: All updated to look better with better lighting and vegetation and/or other effects. => Better nights: NV is no longer required (and is totally broken in the build right now anyway - the goal is to no longer need it).' => HDR: Should now support HDR monitors better.
- first URP build is a standalone build. Once everyone using it seems to have little or no issues, we can move it back over to RezUpdater. ** Build 54.9 still works - though since Practice has been changed to Maulgrounds you may find others way above or below the floor. **
- . The image is May 2023 vs now. 🙂
Build 54.9
Released 09/13/2024
- (FIX / UPDATE) IMPULSE: Wall bounciness mod fixed, tanks will now bounce off walls in the air and spin as well making air shots a little more difficult.
Build 54.8
Released 09/12/2024
- (FIX / UPDATE) IMPULSE: Scorps immunity damage timer reduced. This will prevent saves unless the player is very close to the ground.
- (FIX) IMPULSE: Arial to ramp landings are bouncy again, as is being hit by an impulse missile near one. A recent update negated this entirely.
Update 54.7
Released 09/12/2024
- (UPDATE) UI: Arena list now shows if the arena has a day/night cycle or not.
- (FIX) UI: Prox targets were not showing in the right location when full-screen non-native resolution. This should now be fixed. The issue of the stuck box still persists and is being looked into.
Build 54.6
Released 09/08/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: You can play full screen with a reduced resolution to improve performance without losing UI quality. This should allow for a much better experience for users who have had to drop their resolutions on computers and laptops without dedicated GPUs. It also enables users to achieve much higher frame rates from a competitive point of view.
- (UPDATE) ARENAS: Attic updated to look more like a DOOM map with an orange-tinted sky. Strife has some flora added. The release rotation is nearly finished.
Build 54.5
Released 09/06/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Scorpions normalized some more - it is no longer possible to pull tanks out of low cons from the pad or beyond.
- (UPADTE) REG: Other small fixes with weapon Ids that were causing issues. Scorps should be good to go there now.
Build 54.4
Released 09/05/2024
- (UPDATE) REG/IMPULSE: Impulse missiles only double up count in impulse wars now.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Scorpion behavior normalized (on ramps). They aren't intended to replace impulse missiles for kill shots so their ability to pull **and send** opponents over ramps to their deaths has been reduced. The benefit to this is being able to more easily follow up with impulse missiles (as intended). But their effect IS increased when doing air shots, so "hulk smashes" should be more impressive / funny looking.
- (FIX): REG/LASERS: Unphased (Unity seems to have a habit of clearing out its texture making them invisible - no idea why)
Build 54.3
Released 09/05/2024
- (FIX) RADAR: Scorps now show on radar.
- (FIX) UI: Arena hot swaps now display proper labels from scorpion loadouts.
Build 54.2 * (Scorpion missiles - get over here!)
Released 09/04/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: New missile added: Scorpion Missile. It is like a reverse impulse missile but weaker (power can be tuned live). Cost is 1 bay per. **>> New module means new key binding so you'll have to redo your in-game binds!! <<**
- (UPDATE) ALL: Impulse missile modules replaced with impulse missile packs that now provide 2 missiles per pack. This to enable versatile loadouts in Impulse Wars (8x impulse, 6x impulse + 1x scorpion, or 4x impulse + 2x scorpion). This applies to reg too, so anyone running these missiles now gets a slight buff (Phantoms!)
- (FIX) IMPULSE: Arial to ramp bounces should now be fixed: the initial bounce will deflect all of the energy of the tank resulting in a pure deflection - subsequent bounces will be reduced with each bounce.
- (FIX) IMPULSE: Other excess bounce/power locations.
Build 54.0 * (Getting impulse tuned and finished)
Released 09/03/2024
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Code overhaul - the mode will feel different, although it's more to do with a shift in the intended design of the mode. Lots of parameters may now be tuned *live* on the server as well (reverse missiles anyone?) - this will help quickly tune and finish the mode. Braulin and BabyK are the only two arenas until the others are updated to work properly with the new code(s).
- es: You will notice less push back on flats while missile power is maintained on or near ramps. The intention of this is for players to have more control in how they may set players up for kill shots or a 1+2 punch. Arial deflections off ramps should be more consistent too.
- bos are removed until bump shots are fixed AND other unintentional effects of them like being get out of jail free cards are addressed (i.e. turbo down a ramp to negate kill shots really diminishes the meta of positional-awareness; over time you learn certain parts of ramps are safer than others so you will position yourself accordingly if/when possible to utilize those areas - the turbo negates that entirely as an example).
Build 53.0 (*Golden flag prep!*)
Released 08/28/2024
- (FIX) ALL: Tanks spawning in the wrong place upon entering.
- (UPDATE) ARENAS: Backgrounds updated - they are all low poly so if you had performance issues in arenas like Maul those should be resolved.
- (UPDATE) TOTAL: Total Wars renamed to Total Wars CTF.
- (UPDATE) NV: Grain effect added.
- (UPDATE) UI: To help make finding other players easier, the lobby player counts now show players waiting in each lobby.
- (UPDATE) ALL: (Experimental) Thrusters physics updated to include residual velocities - letting go before leveling out will make the continue that motion to make the flight trajectory feel more realistic.
Build 52.18
Released 08/23/2024
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Checkers scaling fixed. It also now has a "central fun room" where the walls are a weapons barrier. This is to test a new type of obstacle we can place in arenas.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: BK now has a base con in the back of each base.
- (UPDATE) ARENAS: Checkers and BK now have base force fields that prevent *both* enemy tanks and missiles from entering.
- (UPDATE) LITE: Update #2 didn't make it in the last build (52.17) like I thought - it is in this one now.
- (UPDATE) ALL: All tanks switch their turning direction a little faster (only applies when going to L=>R or R=>L). This is a subtle change that provides more turning movement control to tanks.
- (UPDATE) STATS: Now tracks and displays phx assists on stat sheets under misc stats. Phx assists also show in the upper left in phx games.