Build 54.9
Released 09/13/2024
- (FIX / UPDATE) IMPULSE: Wall bounciness mod fixed, tanks will now bounce off walls in the air and spin as well making air shots a little more difficult.
Build 54.8
Released 09/12/2024
- (FIX / UPDATE) IMPULSE: Scorps immunity damage timer reduced. This will prevent saves unless the player is very close to the ground.
- (FIX) IMPULSE: Arial to ramp landings are bouncy again, as is being hit by an impulse missile near one. A recent update negated this entirely.
Update 54.7
Released 09/12/2024
- (UPDATE) UI: Arena list now shows if the arena has a day/night cycle or not.
- (FIX) UI: Prox targets were not showing in the right location when full-screen non-native resolution. This should now be fixed. The issue of the stuck box still persists and is being looked into.
Build 54.6
Released 09/08/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: You can play full screen with a reduced resolution to improve performance without losing UI quality. This should allow for a much better experience for users who have had to drop their resolutions on computers and laptops without dedicated GPUs. It also enables users to achieve much higher frame rates from a competitive point of view.
- (UPDATE) ARENAS: Attic updated to look more like a DOOM map with an orange-tinted sky. Strife has some flora added. The release rotation is nearly finished.
Build 54.5
Released 09/06/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Scorpions normalized some more - it is no longer possible to pull tanks out of low cons from the pad or beyond.
- (UPADTE) REG: Other small fixes with weapon Ids that were causing issues. Scorps should be good to go there now.
Build 54.4
Released 09/05/2024
- (UPDATE) REG/IMPULSE: Impulse missiles only double up count in impulse wars now.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Scorpion behavior normalized (on ramps). They aren't intended to replace impulse missiles for kill shots so their ability to pull **and send** opponents over ramps to their deaths has been reduced. The benefit to this is being able to more easily follow up with impulse missiles (as intended). But their effect IS increased when doing air shots, so "hulk smashes" should be more impressive / funny looking.
- (FIX): REG/LASERS: Unphased (Unity seems to have a habit of clearing out its texture making them invisible - no idea why)
Build 54.3
Released 09/05/2024
- (FIX) RADAR: Scorps now show on radar.
- (FIX) UI: Arena hot swaps now display proper labels from scorpion loadouts.
Build 54.2 * (Scorpion missiles - get over here!)
Released 09/04/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: New missile added: Scorpion Missile. It is like a reverse impulse missile but weaker (power can be tuned live). Cost is 1 bay per. **>> New module means new key binding so you'll have to redo your in-game binds!! <<**
- (UPDATE) ALL: Impulse missile modules replaced with impulse missile packs that now provide 2 missiles per pack. This to enable versatile loadouts in Impulse Wars (8x impulse, 6x impulse + 1x scorpion, or 4x impulse + 2x scorpion). This applies to reg too, so anyone running these missiles now gets a slight buff (Phantoms!)
- (FIX) IMPULSE: Arial to ramp bounces should now be fixed: the initial bounce will deflect all of the energy of the tank resulting in a pure deflection - subsequent bounces will be reduced with each bounce.
- (FIX) IMPULSE: Other excess bounce/power locations.
Build 54.0 * (Getting impulse tuned and finished)
Released 09/03/2024
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Code overhaul - the mode will feel different, although it's more to do with a shift in the intended design of the mode. Lots of parameters may now be tuned *live* on the server as well (reverse missiles anyone?) - this will help quickly tune and finish the mode. Braulin and BabyK are the only two arenas until the others are updated to work properly with the new code(s).
- es: You will notice less push back on flats while missile power is maintained on or near ramps. The intention of this is for players to have more control in how they may set players up for kill shots or a 1+2 punch. Arial deflections off ramps should be more consistent too.
- bos are removed until bump shots are fixed AND other unintentional effects of them like being get out of jail free cards are addressed (i.e. turbo down a ramp to negate kill shots really diminishes the meta of positional-awareness; over time you learn certain parts of ramps are safer than others so you will position yourself accordingly if/when possible to utilize those areas - the turbo negates that entirely as an example).
Build 53.0 (*Golden flag prep!*)
Released 08/28/2024
- (FIX) ALL: Tanks spawning in the wrong place upon entering.
- (UPDATE) ARENAS: Backgrounds updated - they are all low poly so if you had performance issues in arenas like Maul those should be resolved.
- (UPDATE) TOTAL: Total Wars renamed to Total Wars CTF.
- (UPDATE) NV: Grain effect added.
- (UPDATE) UI: To help make finding other players easier, the lobby player counts now show players waiting in each lobby.
- (UPDATE) ALL: (Experimental) Thrusters physics updated to include residual velocities - letting go before leveling out will make the continue that motion to make the flight trajectory feel more realistic.
Build 52.18
Released 08/23/2024
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Checkers scaling fixed. It also now has a "central fun room" where the walls are a weapons barrier. This is to test a new type of obstacle we can place in arenas.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: BK now has a base con in the back of each base.
- (UPDATE) ARENAS: Checkers and BK now have base force fields that prevent *both* enemy tanks and missiles from entering.
- (UPDATE) LITE: Update #2 didn't make it in the last build (52.17) like I thought - it is in this one now.
- (UPDATE) ALL: All tanks switch their turning direction a little faster (only applies when going to L=>R or R=>L). This is a subtle change that provides more turning movement control to tanks.
- (UPDATE) STATS: Now tracks and displays phx assists on stat sheets under misc stats. Phx assists also show in the upper left in phx games.
Build 52.17
Released 08/22/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Falling damage height nudged. Damage output remains the same as before, but the height it begins is higher which should help phx.
- (UPDATE) LITE: Has more torque/flip going off ramps and will flip coming off a 2 height block now (like the original did). Other tanks may soon follow suit. This should help some of the random ramp damage as the tank will contact the ramp sooner when going over it.
- (UPDATE) TEAMS: Now display roster in order of captain, assistants, and then members by ranking.
- (FIX) TEAMS: Team commands fixed and updated to better display more specific error messages when something does not work. Everything but the reset command should work now. If it doesn't please report!
Build 52.15
Released 08/21/2024
- (UPDATE) JS/CONTROLLER: Disabling raw input now turns the throttle and turning thumbstick into a 4-way JS. This combined with lowering dead zones should result in the movement of the thumbstick feeling much closer to keyboard.
- (UPDATE) RADAR: Radar now shows a small symbol in the lower left indicating whether or not prox radar is enabled (green = enabled, yellow = inactive, red = out of power)
- (UPDATE) RADAR: Enabling prox radar now drains battery (except while in a Phantom). Because of this, when you first login to an arena, the prox radar is inactive (press V to activate, you should not have to redo this after respawn, only after entering an arena).
- (UPDATE) MOVEMENT: Improved tank movement going off corner ledges. Sometimes you may have noticed a tank almost floating off one - this has now resolved. Overall tanks should handle better going over corners and edges now too.
- (UPDATE) LITE: Increased acceleration and turning rate. This is to help grounders in missile wars who are up against slightly faster missiles in Rez. Lites can also now turbo + kill throttle in all game modes.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Floor glasses in the center of Stacked now only respond to that same color - you will fall through the others.
- (FIX) RADAR: Typing v in chat would enable/disable prox targets. This is now fixed.
Build 52.14
Released 08/19/2024
- (UPDATE) JS/CONTROLLER: JS Aiming option added to the F4 options. Some joysticks like the Extreme 3D Pro have a throttle that default hardware maps as the 4th-axis (aiming axis on the Xbox controllers). If this is the case, you can now disable the JS Aiming option in F4 to disable it resolving any wonky turret behavior.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Rush cons now purple in phx, also fixed the palms and lowered grasses. Attic cats made thinner to prevent them from blocking tanks from being sent from lower ramps at times.
Build 52.12
Released 08/17/2024
- (UPDATE) ARENAS: Rush (new, created by SoullessOne) rotates in for ProjX in Phx, and Attic (new) rotates in for Braulin in Impulse. New feature testing in Attic - the colored glass near bases can only be driven over by that same color!
- (FIX) JS/CONTROLLER: Use raw input F4 option fixed. Flipping thrusters also now work with a controller/js (same as turning).
- e: Still looking into what is causing prox target boxes to get stuck.
Build 52.11
Released 08/14/2024
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Rattle Cage updates.
- (UPDATE) WEATHER: Rain frequency reduced from every hour to every 3.5 hours.
Build 52.9
Released 08/14/2024
- (UPDATE) UI: Added an outline-effect to UI text. This should make it easier to read light text against light backgrounds. It's not perfect but should be an improvement from before.
- (FIX) RADAR: Z-target should now always switch between closest to cone and distance WHEN two or more targets are present.
Build 52.8
Released 08/13/2024
- (UPDATE) UI: New in-game UI scaling option added (F4 options). This is meant to help handhelds with small screen be able to read the screen more easily, although anyone may use it. You may scale UI anywhere from 100% (default) to 150%. This feature is not yet complete.
- (UPDATE) RADAR: Improved Z-target. Z-target works similar to before always preferring the target closest to your view. **However you can now tap Z again to alternate between the closest to your cone and closet in distance**.
- (FIX) RADAR: Shift+Z (cycle targets) should no longer get stuck. Note that it only cycles targets within your radar's view.
- (FIX / UPDATE) RADAR: Destroying a target locked enemy should result in the radar automatically going back to auto target.
- (UPDATE) RADAR: (Experimental) Now auto targets up to 5 unstealthed enemies within range. **You may toggle enable/disable this by pressing V (cannot be bound yet otherwise)**.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Rattle Cage updated, some fixes, back in the rotation. Checkers in the rotation.
- (UPDATE) UI: You can now toggle hide or unhide the chatbox if you don't like how much space it takes up.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Logout timers reduced. There are still penalties, but less harsh. They are now +1s for health, armor, and +2s for no batteries. Thus most will experience logout times of 4-6s.
Build 52.7
Released 07/30/2024
- (UPDATE) CONTROLLER/JS: Options cleaned up. **If you are JS user, the only options you should change in the F4 settings is uncheck the Sticky Throttle AND JS Turning**, and maybe lower the throttle dead zone to the minimum value. Controller users will probably want to leave the defaults. Unchecking sticky throttle effectively functions as an auto to dead zone.
- (UPDATE) LITE: You can now set a max turret speed for the Lite ranging from 70-100% in the settings. This is meant to make using one in a controller a little easier, but all users including keyboard users may do this as well. This is the only tank this is an option for, as the other tank's turrets are slow enough by default.
- (UPDATE) MISSILES: Base cons now heal like purple cons. You cannot hot swap configs at them. They must be entered.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Slight tweaks. Should be better overall.
- (FIX) Arena: DecemX ceilings fixed.
4. (UPDATE) AB: When it hits 100% it stays there until used (enter/leave con will not reset).
Released 07/28/2024
Build 52.6
Released 07/28/2024
- (UPDATE) CONTROLLER: QoL improvement for controllers! (And maybe JS too). Both now get variable aiming and turning speeds to feel more natural.
- riving and aiming now native in Rez**. They cannot be remapped in-game yet, so for now we have the left thumbstick controls driving, and the right thumbstick controls aiming. To avoid axis interference, you will want to raise to joystick dead zone value (F4 settings) to something that feels good for you.
- (UPDATE) CONTROLLER: There are new (F4) options in this update: JS Turning: Enables turning on controller / js. You must have both of these enabled for inputs to work natively. JS Dead Zone Val: The minimum sensitivity the controller / jsreacts. Higher value will help prevent axis interference. JS Sticky Throttle: Mimics keyboard driving on the controller / js. I personally find controlling driving on a controller easier with it enabled. JS Precise Throttle: The same option as the prior JS Dead Zone just renamed. JS users will likely prefer this over the sticky throttle. Prec.Aim Always On: Force turret to always use the prec aim speed.
- those testing controller I've found the following to feel ok (phx): JS Throttle and Turning ENABLED JS Dead Zone Val set to 0.3 JS Precise Throttle DISABLED JS Sticky Throttle ENABLED Prec.Aim Always On ENABLED Lite Prec.Aim Speed 50%
- E: Driving may be easier with the dpad. This needs to be mapped externally. Other mappings I currently mapped externally as a guide:
- t Bumper: Rockets Left Trigger: Kill Throttle Right Bumper: Fire Weapon Right Trigger: Recenter turret D-Pad: Directional AB
- ntually we will be able to map these in-game.
- (UPDATE) PHX/IMPULSE: Pads now have a delay for healing: pink 0.5s and purple 1.0s. The differences between the two is to stay consistent with the "pink is 2x purple" healing rate.
- (FIX) UI: Clear inventory now also clears pack multiplier even when auto add pack multi is enabled.
Build 52.4
Released 07/23/2024
- (UPDATE) LASERS: Stealth removed. PK2 Laser and Turbo Boost added.
- (UPDATE) MISSILES: Base cons are now instant reload, but they may still be entered.
Build 52.3
Released 07/23/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Equipping thrusters now also equips 1x free air boost. Equipping more thrusters does not provide more air boosts.
- (UPDATE) ALL: AB module now takes up 2 slots. This results in the 2xAB loadout being unchanged.
- (UPDATE) ALL: AB can be used on the ground for a small ground juke.
- (UPDATE) UI: AB now shows charging percentage so you can better time when to use one.
- e: Phx grounders will get some tlc at some point.
Build 52.1
Released 07/21/2024
- (FIX) ALL: Enemy weapons rendering hitting self hitboxes (caused by Build 52.0) update. This should now be resolved in this build.
Build 52.0
Released 07/21/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Some netcode updates that will hopefully reduce lag (experimental; variable packet queue window based on ping differences) and prox shots (weapons vector override). If you notice any jittering please mention it, as this means the buffer queue size was likely reduced too much and will need to be increased to smooth things out again.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: DecemX added as the first proper 10v10 arena in Total and Laser Wars.
- (UPDATE) UI: If you are AFK removed from an arena you will now see the @afk appear next to your own username.
- (UPDATE) UI: New "RAND" option added to join arenas. It will default to the lowest player count, or pick a random color of the lowest player counts.
- (UPDATE / FIX) PHX: Falling damage update. Damage is actually unchanged, but downward momentum no longer carries over after being shot in the air.
- (FIX) JACKAL: Hit registration fixed.
- (FIX) ALL: AFK kick causing single red dot to appear on radar.
Build 51.17
Released 07/12/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Hitboxes adjusted to better match new tank shapes. The Lite is now a little larger and should be easier to hit. Enemy info tank icons also updated to show better distinction between the Jackal and Lite.
Build 51.16 (standalone, optional)
Released 07/12/2024
- (UPDATE) Bonus update since I had some downtime recovering 1-2 days from covid: new tank models for the Jackal and Lite. The patcher version is still on 51.15 for now - since the hitboxes are the same they play nicely still.
Build 51.15
Released 07/03/2024
- (UPDATE) UI: Lobby and arena lobbies now notify message sound when someone sends a message. This is not possible to toggle off yet.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Missiles are now a little stronger when being hit off ramps.
- (UPDATE / FIX) ARENA: Maulgrounds mountain texture size / mapping reduced 50%. Hopefully this helps some of the performance issues some users saw. Didn't have time to make a toggle for this. If you find performance problematic you can try reducing your other graphics settings: lowest volumetric quality, ambient occlusion off, and reduced texture quality.
- (FIX) GRAPHICS: Thrusters are air boost jets now cull at the same distance the tanks do.
Build 51.14
Released 07/02/2024
- (UPDATE) UI: UI cleaned up a little. Teams high scores no longer overlap (for now).
- (UPDATE) REG: Jackal turning acceleration reduced 2.5% - this should help any slippery feel some users may have noticed.
Build 51.13
Released 07/01/2024
- (UPDATE) PHX/REG: AB now shows jets when fired.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Checkers has a base con placed behind the arenas.
- (UPDATE / FIX) ALL: Some sound fixes.
Build 51.11 *
Released 06/30/2024
- (FIX) PHX/REG: AB not always reactivating after touch + lift fixed.
Build 51.10
Released 06/30/2024
- (UPDATE) PHX/REG: Directional AB added. You can now control which direction your AB moves you by using arrow keys (or whatever you bind tank movement keys to).
- (UPDATE) PHX/REG: Better AB display: orange means it cannot be used (either grounded, cooldown, or requires touchdown). Blue = can be used. Red = not enough fuel.
- (UPDATE) PHX/REG: Thrusters now show a jet animation below the tank.
- (UPDATE/FIX) IMPULSE: Fixed a traction bug caused by trying to sort/clean code.
Build 51.9
Released 06/29/2024
- (UPDATE) TEAMS: Leaderboards now running. All-times and dailies generate. Weeklies and monthly will come later. Teams should pretty much be done at this point, aside from bug fixes and UI cleanup.
- (UPDATE) TEAMS: Commands button now added on teams page. Clicking it will display the commands, command actions, and what they do.
- (UI) ALL: A ranks button has been added in CC. Clicking it displays a list of ranks, badges, tiers, and points required to reach them.
- (UPADTE) ALL: Falling damage reduced 10%.
- (UPDATE) ALL: A very subtle falling damage notifier has been added under the tank icon. It is horizontal red line that shows up when you've exceeded falling threshold. This may not be permanent, and is more meant to help debug any issues there may be.
- (UPDATE) REG: Jackal turning speed reduced 2%.
- (FIX) ALL: Online player counter should finally be fixed and no longer show crazy values like 65535 (rarely happened).
Build 51.7
Released 06/27/2024
- (UPDATE) TEAMS: Create, reset, and disband added - these finish the team commands! From here on out teams need testing and fixing if/when necessary, and the top teams lists (which will need some time for teams to generate their stats anyway).
- (UPDATE) CONS: Gold, pink, and purple cons can now hot swap configs and modules pressing 1-3 while stationary on the con. There is a 1 second cooldown between swaps.
Build 51.6
Released 06/25/2024
- (UPDATE) TEAMS: Assistant captains added! Teams may have up to 3 assistant captains. Team captains may assign or demote assistants using the promote and demote commands. They may also assign a new captain with the captain command handing team ownership over to another player.
- promote/demote/captain valid options are: username, the username to promote or demote or set as new captain
- istants have most captain commands along with an additional one: stepdown (will revert back to regular member) stepdown valid options are: 1, yes, true, on
- (UPDATE) TEAMS: Setting the team focus now results in the team showing that mode's stats by default. Thus for example if you set your team's focus to impulse, any time anyone enters you team screen, the first stats shown will the impulse ones.
- (UPDATE) GRAPHICS: Some background hills added to Checkers - these will be possible to toggle off in a future update.
- (UPDATE / FIX) ALL: Base cons no longer insta-heal upon exit.
- (FIX) ARENA: Checkers white cons set to purple.
- e last update on teams is the team creation and disbanding. That should finalize teams*
Build 51.5
Released 06/24/2024
- (UPDATE) TEAMS: More commands added: focus, mandatory, recruiting, tag, toggle (toggles tag on/off if one is present and not mandatory) focus: valid options are: 0, combined, all 1, total 2, phoenix, phx 3, impulse 4, lasers
- datory, recruiting, toggle valid options are: 0, no, false, off 1, yes, true, on
- ruiting valid options are: 0, no, false, off 1, yes, true, on
- : valid options are newtag, valid chars include -~()[]
- (UPDATE) Graphics: Some background hills added to Braulin and Strife - these will possible to turn off in a future update.
- xt updates on teams will be captains able to promote users to assitants (up to 3), and assistant commands. Then we finish with create/disband.*
Build 51.0
Released 06/22/2024
- (UPDATE) TEAMS: More prep. *Invite, kick and leave are now available.* Create, disband and the rest of the commands, along with team assistants will follow next week.
- (FIX) TEAMS: Renaming should reflect on the team stat page.
Build 50.9
Released 06/21/2024
- (UPDATE) TEAMS: More prep. A lot of stuff isn't functioning right on the front-end (game) yet but should be soon.
- (UPDATE) PHX: Air boost now has 3 second charge time after spawn or leaving con.
- (UPDATE) PHX: Air boost now consumes 50 fuel (up from 10 before).
- (UPDATE) PHX: You can now break your landing on purple cons pressing enter (and reload mid-air). This only works if you have no movement aside from vertical velocity.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: You must now stop (or kill throttle) on a pink con for it to reload.
- (FIX) PHX: Shots to get stuck briefly (showing up as yellow) should now be fixed.
Build 50.8
Released 06/18/2024
- (UPDATE) TEAMS: More teams prep stuff. Create button now launches a new window to create a team, but it's still not yet hooked up the backend (mostly tested now). The backend is nearly done, the frontend commands are next.
- (UPDATE) RADAR: Arenas with day night cycles now show the time near the radar.
- (UPDATE) WEATHER: The rain storm now gets more foggy during peak. Again these will not be happening as frequently, and are currently set to go off every hour for testing.
- (UPDATE) MAYHEM: Removed since the mode still needs a lot of work.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Small tunnels added under side cons in Symmetry, and middle opened up from the canals.
Build 50.7
Released 06/16/2024
- (FIX) WEATHER: Weather in fixed time of day arenas should no longer get stuck. NOTE: rain/thunder will not happen as frequently as it does right now (every hour).
- (UPDATE) UI: Small UI updates.
Build 50.6
Released 06/15/2024
- (UPDATE) WEATHER: Rain storm is now more dynamic with changing lightning, cloud coverage, and lightning.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Tanks and weapon speeds increased 5% across the board.
- (FIX) EVENT: Fixed event params getting stuck on in non-event arenas. Thus we can now leave an arena running in event mode for faster testing/tuning and feedback.
- e: Next week team commands will start being added. Almost there...
Build 50.5
Released 06/14/2024
- (UPDATE) UI: More teams prep stuff. Team tags now show on high scores (renamed to leaderboards). Teams pages also getting more cleaned up. Continued tracking of stats of users set on teams still in progress.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Downtown PHX now has all purple cons. Purple con reload required relaxed slightly from 0 throttle to low throttle.
- (UPDATE) EVENT: Impulse wars event mode can now adjust (in real-time) tank speed, missile speed, missile power and falling damage. Laser Wars can also adjust: tank speed, PK4 (phased) laser speed and falling damage. Events are also now limited per arena and no longer server-wide, so if you don't enjoy a particular event mode you won't be forced into it everywhere on the server.
- (UPDATE) TOTAL: All arenas are now day/night in Total Wars. Lasers and other modes will move to no cycle soon. There will be a fix that double the zone bonus during night hours (it displays the bonus in the upper left properly but does not apply it yet).
Build 50.4
Released 06/13/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: More team prep stuff. Team pages are now becoming more functional with roster stat tracking. Some of you have been added to teams (and will continue to be added) for the purpose of testing that stat tracking. Once stat tracking and a few other things related to are fixed/functional, the commands to manage teams will be implemented.
Build 50.2
Released 06/12/2024
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Braulin update finished: portals added to top cats to add a little bit more variety to the arena.
Build 50.0
Released 06/11/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Lots of backend updates getting ready for teams. Lots of placeholders that do not function yet, including a preview of a team stats page.
- (UPDATE) ALL: Event toggle in real-time. Work in progress. We can try fast tanks tonight.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Braulin update in progress. Rush is next on the list (not yet put in).
- ORTANT: Backend is updated heavily to prep for teams. Thus we need to make sure user stats are still saving properly. Any time you go into an arena, please screenshot your stats and compare them after leaving the arena. Make sure kills, deaths, score and even weapons stats look to be updating properly.
Build 49.13
Released 06/06/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: Missile and Lite hitboxes adjusted. Peeking should be a little easier now.
- (UPDATE) UI: Lasers now show up in their own separate stats row. It is impossible to go back and retrieve lasers stats from total, so everyone begins from 0 there.
Build 49.12
Released 06/06/2024
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Update to help the occasional "tanks skipping on ice" issue.
Build 49.11
Released 06/01/2024
- (UPDATE) ALL: For arenas with a day/night cycle, the night (6pm-6am) length has been reduced to 15-20 minutes, while the day length has been (6am-6pm) increased to 100-105 minutes.
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Forward momentum effect of turbo reduced. To compensate the turbo now also deactivates after being hit, thus returning control to tank shortly after.
- (UPDATE) ARENA: Minor updates in ProjectF.
Build 49.10
Released 05/31/2024
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: ProjectF released. This is ProjectX with a bunch of ramps added to see how it plays out in impulse wars!
Build 49.9
Released 05/30/2024
- (UPDATE) IMPULSE: Improvement for skipping/gliding. Not a complete fix, since force has been a real PITA to get to this point, any updates/changes to it will be slow.